Friday, March 11, 2011


I truthfully was not a fan of the webquest assignment.  I think that the idea of a webquest is promising and could be very useful in the classroom, however this webquest in my opinion was very difficult to understand and I feel that because I had trouble understanding,  I did not do a good job on the assignment.  I did like that there was a very detailed rubric with specific things to look for while grading, and I also liked that there were links in the webquest, however the rest of it I did not like very much.  The questions were worded poorly and I feel that the expectations were unclear.  While I was very confused, I did do the assignment, and I tried my best.


  1. Can you give some specific examples of what you did not like? I realize it wasn't a super easy task, but it is also meant to give you an indepth look at a topic (in this case, AAC)--- rather than a 2.5 hour class (plus your outside prep time), you spent the time on your "webquest". If the rubric was very detailed, how were the expectations unclear?

    Be sure to email me or stop by my office to ask clarifying questions. I didn't receive very many emails this week requesting assistance.

  2. I did sent you two emails about my problem. You responded to the first but I didn't hear from you about my second email, so maybe it didn't send or you didn't get it or something.

    When I said that the rubric was detailed but the expectations were unclear, I mean that the rubric gave details on what it wanted but looking on the rubric alone didn't make me understand what to do. For example, I did not see any directions what the expectations were on the flow chart and what needed to be in it, and the rubric said "The features match flow chart is complete. All critical feature options given systematically filter down from responses to flow chart questions. Flow chart layout is organized and clear, making it relatively easy to complete." The rubric was specific with what it wanted, however since I did not see any directions on it, it made it very difficult for me to complete. I don't know if anyone else had as many problems with this as I did. Maybe there was just something that I didn't see.

    I do feel that while this was a difficult assignment, I did learn about AAC. I never knew all of the different types or how many options of devices a person had. I heard of the DynaVox, but I didn't know too much about it until now.

  3. WE can chat more in class..I also have the peer to peer help section on angel where I posted feedback. I realize now that assignment was confusing for many folks. Thanks for the update.
