Thursday, March 17, 2011

Adaptive and Assistive Technology


     I learned so much about adaptive and assistve technology for students with disabilities this week.  I didn't realize all of the different tools that were out there to help not only children, but adults with disabilities as well.  Adaptive and assistive technology not only helps those with learning disabilities, but it also helps those who have disabilities that make it difficult to communicate with others such as hearing, sight, and verbalization impairments.  I also learned a lot about different laws regarding technology in education.  I knew the basics of some of these laws, but I didn't realize that schools are required to supply students with assistive technology if the student truly needs it.  I think that it is very important for people to understand the rights that their children have when it comes to assistive technology because it could greatly benefit their child.
     One item that I learned about that I found very interesting was the laser pointer augmentative board.  A person who is unable to speak or does not speak clearly can use a laser to point to letters on this board and spell out what they want to say as well as have certain spots with frequently used words that they can point to.  This can help a student greatly with their communication skills because they would be able to talk to their peers and teachers.  It also could improve their academics because they would be able to participate in class and become more involved.  This would help their families because they would be able to communicate with each other which is very important to families.  Adaptive and assistive technology is a very important part of special education that greatly impacts the lives of students, and I am very glad that I learned about it.
     Adaptive and assistive technology make it possible for students with disabilities to learn with their peers and not feel different than everyone else.  They can join in on class discussions, and do their assignments easier with the aide of technology.  I feel that Adaptive and assistive technology are a great resource for students with disabilities.  Many of the tools are expensive, but there are others that are low cost and just as useful.

1 comment:

  1. Great insight about AAC. I'm glad you spent the time reviewing all the resources and learned a lot. Yes, the price can be quite high--- often times a student gets access to things at school and then has nothing at home (can you imagine if you could talk all day at school but at home someone took your voice away?)
